Design For Climate Action

Branditup Studio is a planet-centric creative agency that exists to create a mind-shift that goes beyond sustainability, committed to reconnecting design to the Earth and to its inhabitants — to use design for change and our creative skills for good; for our clients, for our community and for the world. We believe that there is a better way to design — one which aligns people, planet and profit equally.

‘DESIGN FOR CLIMATE ACTION’ is a creative project borne out of Mauritius, a digital awareness by Mauritian Graphic Designers to drive climate action. Launched on Earth Day 2023 (22nd April and ended 22nd May), with theme ‘ Take Action Now’. The impact of the climate crisis on global economies, livelihoods, and infrastructure is catastrophic. More than ever, urgent action is imperative to promote sustainable practices. By creating posters that highlight the risks and effects of the climate emergency we are facing, graphic designers can help to inform others about the urgent need to take bold actions to accelerate change towards a green, prosperous, and equitable future. It is crucial for the world to act now.

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