Design For Climate Action


Paradise on earth or trash in paradise? – Veema Nidhi Moloye

Many people hold the misconception that climate change solely occurs due to atmospheric changes. However, oceans have an equal and vital role in maintaining the ecosystem. Consequently, Mauritius and other vulnerable islands like the Maldives are at high risk of disappearing due to rising sea levels. Marine pollution is caused by everyone and one cannot …

Paradise on earth or trash in paradise? – Veema Nidhi Moloye Read More »

The Butterfly Effect – Melissa Veerapen

Every action, whether positive or negative, contributes to climate change, highlighting the significant impact of our actions on the environment, similar to the Butterfly Effect. 43% of global shipping uses carbon, petrol, and gas, reflecting consumer behavior. While rising temperatures reduce the size of pollinating insects such as butterflies, reducing their ability to fly long …

The Butterfly Effect – Melissa Veerapen Read More »

The ad which aimed to reduce climate change – Adrien Hon Fat

Advertising plays a major role in our daily lives and also in the contribution to carbon footprint. Despite sustainability being the main focus of many companies in recent years, the growing number of advertising messages means that their environmental impact has grown, emphasizing that communication agencies, marketing agencies, designers, freelancers, and the visual communication industry …

The ad which aimed to reduce climate change – Adrien Hon Fat Read More »

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